Saffron Kitchen Project

About Business Network

Saffron Kitchen Project (SKP) supports displaced persons by creating opportunity and fostering community through food. We are a registered non-profit organisation that creates high quality, nutritious meals for vulnerable communities in Athens. Inspired by multiple cultures and traditions, we aim to do three things simultaneously: Nourish, Train, Employ.

Our first pillar – Nourish – entails providing people with warm, nutritious and inventive meals in a dignified and sustainable way. We partner with several organisations that support vulnerable people throughout Athens, distributing delicious meals whilst avoiding food waste as much as possible.

The second pillar – Train – offers free culinary education and vocational training in partnership with IEK Delta. In an effort to prepare our students for work in the hospitality industry, the programme comprises culinary skills as well as soft skills training such as teamwork, leadership and time management. Upon completion students will receive a recognised EOPEP certificate which will aid them in entering the job market.

Finally, the third pillar – Employ – demonstrates our commitment to tackling unemployment in Greece by not only employing but also generating job opportunities for people from the refugee community.